Artist(s): Anne Marie Slater (Lead), Scott Chan, Coleman Webb
Year: 2009
Location: 601 Keefer Street
Dimensions: H. 6 feet L. 24 feet
Best Viewed: On East Keefer
We Take Care of Each Other is a feature public realm project for the Princess Avenue Interpretive Walk, an artist-led collaboration with the community to create a green walk back to the waterfront, on Princess Avenue. The image for the mural derived directly from children, is a series of workshops by lead artist, photographer, Anne Marie Slater. Two hundred children were given cameras and participated in a World café, an idea think tank. Mural artists Scott Chan and Coleman Webb from Kid’s at Heart Collective, through workshops engaged children in identifying the symbols of the place they live, the community of Strathcona School and the Strathcona Community Centre. Photographs included seniors from the Tai Chi class who consulted on the sun pose and children who drew and specified special things they wanted: more trees in the neighbourhood, the eagles that look over the school on Pender Street, water, the urban street, and the dragon that historically has been a symbol of the school since its early history as “Strath” the oldest school in Vancouver (established 1891). The mural is a story of children’s voices that speak of this special place; their community.
Partners: Strathcona Community Centre, City of Vancouver-Great Beginnings Program