32. Russian Hall

Russian Hall


Artist Coordinator: Richard Tetrault

Artists: See complete list below.

Year: 2009
Location: 600 Campbell Avenue
Dimensions: H. 25 feet L. 210 feet
Best Viewed: On Campbell near East Georgia



The Russian Hall occupies a prominent location in Strathcona, a community in East Vancouver that is home to hundreds of artists and hosts numerous arts festivals and events throughout the year. This historic building, originally constructed in 1937 by the Croatian community, was purchased in 1947 by the Federation of Russian Canadians to enhance their community and culture. The mural reflects traditional decoration and culture, specifically of the Belarussian community. Using stencils, various textile patterns are repeated throughout the mural. Thin washes were applied in many successive layers, with a color palette inspired from Etruscan and Byzantine frescos. Abstract underlying form pays homage to the Russian Avant Garde, specifically artists such as Malevich and Kandinsky. The south-facing wall commemorates the action in the 1970’s of a local housing rights group, SPOTA, and the north wall reflects the commitment of the Russian community to the peace movement.


Partners: Britannia Community Centre Association, Russian Hall and City of Vancouver – Great Beginnings Program.


Artists: Carole Itter, Malcolm McTaggart, Gerald Pedros, Joey Mallett, Sean Newton, Coleman Webb, Jerry Whitehead, Jeremi Whitehead, Rita Buchwitz, Sue Teahan, Leon Su, Nathaniel Beausoleil, Elizabeth Murdoch, Jeff Gibson, JuneYun, Sheldon Hui, Ishmael Mascayano, Lori Sokil, Miriam Gil, Joy Hanser, Deb Miller, Mira Malatestenic, Miram Gill, Terry Hunter, Brendan Rausenberg, Jade Schmedding-Mah, Anna Gusakova, Mikhail Pertsev, Roy Crowe, Robert Turner.


Please also visit:  www.eastidemurals.com